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Anniversary American Whiskey

Anniversary American Whiskey


This Anniversary American takes the (birthday) cake for unique when it comes to our whiskeys. Our standard, classic, award-winning American Whiskey is composed of Corn, Wheat, and Rye, each distilled and aged separately in their own barrels. Keeping them apart allows us to bottle the single grain whiskeys as their own products, but it also allows us to refine the American Whiskey during the blending process. Each batch of American is unique and crafted to compliment its distinctive flavors. The Anniversary Whiskey has an extra aging step thrown in. Distiller Phil actually blended this version of American Whiskey last year, then placed it back in the barrel to age after mixing. It’s an interesting experiment and a lesson in flavors that shows what can be gained from a barrel. The extra year together lends additional cohesion and harmony to the mix, not to mention the additional notes of caramel, vanilla, and honey that come from the oak. 


If you’re interested in process, tasting notes, and comparison between products, this whiskey is one to add to your shelf.

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